my life has been a little on the interesting side lately. honestly, the past month and a half has kicked my tail and ways i don't even want to begin to describe. and it's kept me away from writing because i needed to process and realign some things. actually, i have been writing, i just haven't been sharing. and you know what they say, "sharing is caring."
i've learned a few new things about the process of falling in love. the wrestling with the fears that keep your guard up; the back and forth conversation you have with yourself about whether or not your feelings are real; the up and down battle with doubt that you're in it alone or imagining things. i'm telling you, it can be a doozy. my emotions have probably run the entire spectrum of euphoric nirvana to can't eat heartbreak. it's enough to make a sane person feel a little less sane.
but at the end of the day i've come to realize that "it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" is a true statement. the joys and pains of it all can teach you so much about yourself and life in general. it's a journey and sometimes it works out in your favor, sometimes it doesn't. either way, i know i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! and for the record, i'm definitely in love. hehehehe