i was spending some time masterminding tonight and realized i have too many websites! i have this blog as my personal journal. from the lack of entries within the last 2 years, you can guess i don't spend much time journaling. it hasn't always been that way though. i used to journal all the time. i'm a writer. i have to keep telling myself that because it's important that it sink in. i am a writer. my hearts desire is to write. a writer cannot be lazy and a writer at the same time. i must write. ah. got that off my chest. but i also have a lifestyle blog that focuses on my journeys and adventures in my city. and i have a blog for my business which has also been neglected the last five years. ugh. lastly, i got the brilliant idea to go on a gratitude journey with the world. and by the world i mean no one because i never posted once on that blog. i own the domain and i even customized the template. but that's as far as i got. i have too much to distract me. i have suffered for too long from a lack of diligence. it is horrible because i know god calls me to be the opposite of diligent. not sure what that is actually, but i'm guessing productive is in the mix. probably creative and stewardship as well. i have fallen short. shorter than short really. so much not happening that should be happening.
i don't want to be like everyone else and make a list of things to do this year differently so i move forward. mostly because those lists are all about trying to do things. yoda told us there is do or do not. there is no try. let that sink in. yep. i must write. i must get organized and i must do something productive and lucrative with this talent. i am talented. i am a very good writer. even my musings are intelligible. hehe. i'm not modest as you can tell. but i have been lazy. i will not be lazy anymore. so i need to figure out what exactly i want to do with all of my web properties. this blog might get the ax so i can focus on the other things. it's been a good run to be sure. i released some very powerful things on this blog. but alas, life has moved on and so have i. i'll spend some time thinking about how to make it all work. in the mean time, i'll get back to working on my master plan.