Tuesday, October 5, 2010

teach me how to love

to say that love is hard is an understatement. it's a roller coaster of a ride that takes you to depth defying heights and gutter lows. it tests your resistance and resilience. it places you in positions that require a constant fight or flight reflex on a regular basis. love is work! and no wonder when so many of us never learned how to love.

we were never taught the importance of preferring someone over ourselves. we didn't learn to listen first and ask questions later. we weren't instructed in the art of being quick to forgive and repair what's broken. our lessons in love have fallen far short of the true compassion that is necessary for a relationship to be successful.

i realize i am guilty of not really knowing how to love. i know how to fall in love but i need to learn how to stay in love. because when stuff gets hard, and it will, the gushy stuff won't be enough. there will be days when the person i say i do to is the last person i want to see. how do you stay in love on those days? how do you push through the hard stuff to make sure your love lasts?

i don't think anyone wakes up saying they want to get divorced and yet we find it common place in our society. i don't want to be part of the brokenness. i want to be an example for the success of love. i want my love story to be forever. so, i'm taking time in my singleness to learn how to love.

i'm learning how to forgive and walk in compassion and exercise patience and pick my battles and chose peace over fighting.

i wonder how many others need to take up the walk. how many singles are interested in being taught how to love?

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