Thursday, December 15, 2011

god can walk through doors

i have talked about my love of superheroes. actually i think i talked about it the other day. shrug. sometimes the days blur. anyway, i loves me some superheroes. have always wished i had a power. i honestly wish i could fly. i've always wanted to fly. sometimes in that jenny way where i pray to god, dear god make me a bird so i can fly far, far far away. other times in that freedom superman soaring way so i could jet through space and time a easy as can be just because. mostly, i just want to speed up my travel time and fly from one place to the next. teleportation was my back up super power but i figured the future would finally arrive and we'd all be star trek teleporting by now. so much for the future. back to superpowers.

i think to their core, superpowers represent the characteristics of god. he's strong, immortal, otherworldly, omniscient, omnipresent, compassionate, bringer of justice, defender of the people, savior. you get the picture. i love me some superman. but god is better than superman. and he can walk through walls. what? did she just say god can walk through walls? yep, i did. i'll say it again. god can walk through walls.

how do i know this? because i've been hurt A LOT. my childhood was definitely not ideal. i don't know many who would disagree when talking about their own childhoods. we've all been hurt. we've all been devastated by the reality of unmet expectations. we've all dealt with the disappointment of wanting something and it never happening, hoping for someone to be who they never were, wishing for change that never come. i know you know what i'm talking about. if it wasn't childhood, it was early adulthood. locate yourself so i can get back to my story.

my girls and i pray ever wednesday night. it's the highlight of my week in so many ways. i miss them so much and love when we are able to be in the same space and time together. it's magical. but every week, we get a bit of that through the phone. aw, loves me some technology too! this week, my friend kimmy said something that blew my socks off. hmmm. god can walk through walls. she heard it at a bible study and shared. i'm still looking for my socks.

when we're hurt, we put up walls. some of them around our heart. some of them around our dreams. some of them around our mind. we put them up to keep others out. we put them up to keep ourselves in. sometimes the walls have windows or doors. sometimes the walls are fort knox thick and impenetrable. except ... we serve a god who can walk through walls. god will always meet us where we are. dang. how dope is that? you know how you get in your feelings (like i was last week and had to sit myself in the sensitive corner)? you start thinking about all the dark and horrible things in your life and you start putting up the walls because who could love that hideousness? god does. i don't know why. he just does. and as soon as you put up that wall, he shows up and walks right through it. he walks right up into your mess and distress and says i absolutely, unequivocally, without a doubt, without fail, without condition and without end love me some you.

god will walk through your walls to meet you exactly where you are and walk you right on up out of that prison you created for yourself. you know how the bible says who the son sets free is free in deed? i think i get it now. it's because god can walk through walls. even when we put ourselves in bondage from sin and whatever else we do to separate ourselves from god, he just busts right on up in there and says, hey son, hey daughter. NOTHING can separate you from my love. NOTHING can pluck you from my hand. NOTHING can change that you are the apple of my eye and i know the plans that i have for you. WOW. god can walk through walls.

don't believe me? try him. i double dog dare you to tell god to prove himself. he's not man that he should lie and his word won't return void. if he said he loved you first and knew you before the foundation of the world was set, he means it. go ahead, ask him to walk through your walls. and then tell me all about it. i can tell you my story but i'm waiting to hear yours!

1 comment:

  1. So we wanna make people cry now from reading yoru blog uhh? Beautiful and powerful words. I love your ability to write because you do it so well. Preach to us.
