Thursday, August 26, 2010

come by accident, stay on purpose

i was trolling my facebook news feed when i read my cousin's status. it was intriguing enough to make me pause and think - is that was really what love should be? i know you're wondering what her status said so i'll share: i want a person who comes into my life by accident and stays on purpose.

not astrophysicist stuff but it's pretty profound to me. i guess because i'm always hearing people say i found love when i was least expecting it. which, by the way, sounds ridiculous to me because i don't ever go through a day without a level of expectation for the things i want. but maybe what they really mean is they expected love to find them, they just weren't actively seeking it. makes more sense to me and we'll just say that's what they really mean.

so, back to my cousin's statement. are we all really just going through life like ships passing each other in the night and hoping for chance encounters that bring that special someone into our lives? do we want someone to "accidentally" enter our space and discover by happenstance they are exactly what we've been expecting without expecting it forever?

i like to think i'm an intentional person. i intentionally get out to meet and mingle with people. i intentionally engage others in conversation. i intentionally cultivate relationships with people. is it possible that i've been doing things wrong all along? chances are things aren't stacked against me as there isn't anything wrong with being intentional. but i've had a few chance encounters with people who have added greatly to my life whether short-term or long-term. and there are others who have become a part of my life in a way i can only describe as fate. they were supposed to be there. i can't say at this time which is better: accidental encounter or kismet encounters.

either way, i have to agree that i want someone in my life who chooses to stay on purpose. particularly when we're discussing love. i don't want to love someone who doesn't want to be there. i want my love story to be a lifetime of love rather than the starter marriage type stuff that plaques society today.

however, he comes into my life, i just want him to love me on my good days, my bad days, my pretty days, my ugly days and all the days in-between.

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