Wednesday, July 27, 2011

you can't always get what you want

i'm sitting at a borrowed desk at work typing this post on a borrowed computer and wondering why strange things happen to me. well, probably no more than to others but sometimes it seems like i'm an exception rather than the rule.

anyway, my friend is interviewing for a job today. it's a job that she would do awesomely well and definitely deserves but as things have been iffy in the past, i'm reminded that we can't always get what we want. sometimes what we want is bad for us. sometimes what we want is not what we need. and sometimes what we want is more than we can handle at the time. i don't want to say it but timing is important. but in the case of my friend, the time has come for things to change in her life. she's been laboring and i would love to see the manifestation of her faith walk. time is of the essence and i can't deal with hearing any more be patients. no, act!

we can't always get what we want but we can also act to make things happen. i'm praying god matches and increases her acts so she gets the outcome she desires and needs right now. stability is important and i want to see that in her life. that's not a want. it's a need. make that happen god!

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