Wednesday, July 20, 2011

you're such a vibrant thing

my energy levels have been low the last few days. there are a few factors working against me in this area. the first being a lack of sleep. my computer got a virus and i stayed up later than i should have pondering a solution. eventually i had to restore factory settings and start over. i lost a few months of pictures and videos. i'm sad about that. apparently my backup didn't actually backup. no clue why. and because of it, i'm missing the evidence of my recent history. i could cry but i lack the energy.

secondly, we have had little sunshine in the last few days. i mean, i thought this was summer, but instead it looks and feels like october.i am not happy about this. i can't fathom ever being happy about this. seattle hurts my feelings far too often. yet, i live here and i'm trying to cope. i are the sadness because of it.

thirdly, i am emotionally drained from some things that are going on. i finally had to release it all and try to pick up the pieces from there. my energy source is feeling choked and as a result i'm feeling much like a zombie. not the psycho kind manufactured by the umbrella corp, but the dead eye kind from shawn of the dead. if you tie me up to a thick chain i'm sure i can play xbox with you for a bit. but eventually i'd just pass out.

this is no good. i'm a vibrant young thing and i need that to show. i took a vitamin for the first time in a long time this morning. they upset my tummy and i keep forgetting to bring them to work so i can take them after breakfast. today i braved it and made my way to work with a queasy tummy and prayer. after a week of those things, i'm hoping to see progress. i'm also hitting up the gym. yes, it might think i passed away since i've been gone for so long, but it's the gym, it has to welcome me back with open arms. besides, my paid membership demands it. and i'm going to get back on my sleep schedule. i have been staying up too late for too long and my body has had enough. i need my rest. i really need my rest. i function better, but i'm also more creative when i've had a good nights sleep.

and so the quest to return to my regular vibrant status is underway. may the force be with me.

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