Monday, November 14, 2011

make your next move your best move

something about celebrating a birthday makes you feel invincible. i feel bad, michael jackson bad! i mean, damn, life is definitely good. as i rang in a new year of life on the magical 11.11.11 with old friends and new friends and sort of friends, i felt overjoyed. this year kicked my ass and i made it.

i lost a lot the last 12 months. this blog has chronicled most of it so there really isn't a need to reflect on it now. but the last few months have been restoration of what was lost, taken or stolen. i have added new friends to my life and they challenge me to be better. i don't have to ask them to hold me accountable, they just do. i have added new employment that also challenges me and stretches me to perform at my absolute best. i'm allowed to shine and trust me, i do that very well. and i continue to catch eyes from men that are ready for me. i don't know what the future holds for me in this 33rd year of life, but i guarantee you my next move will be my best move.

my first lady donna houpe always said everyone can't go with you because not everyone means you good. i always try to see the best in people because i completely understand the nature of man. we are FLAWED. and in my frailties, i recognize my ability to harm. that's why i try to be quick to repent and ask for forgiveness. sometimes i miss it. but it's my goal and i'm very honest about that. it's still a shock to me to know not everyone operates that way. so this year, i've learned to cut the cancer loose as soon as it's identified. i'm guarding my heart, guarding my time and guarding my joy. i have places to go, things to do and lives to change. i'm making my next move my best move and some people that were hanging on in the past aren't invited to go along for the ride this time.

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