today marked the first in a series of sunny days in seattle. this is big news. you know what they say about seattle. it's gray and rainy all the time. sunny summers are our best kept secret, our most precious commodity, and lately a luxury we've been denied. oh but today! the sun was out. the weather was warm. the gloom faded. and my heart rejoiced. i'm still working through some things. i wish i could say that on day three the pain was less sharp, but i find myself thinking about it and it all comes back.
i listen to joyce meyers every morning and today i swear she was reading my mail! no for real. she spoke to me like i had told her exactly what was going on and she was providing sound, godly and wise advise. it was as if we were having a private counseling session. and i listened.
we all have the power to decide how we are going to react to situations. they will knock us down but what is important is the way we rise. we can get up swinging and go eye for eye. we can get up retreating and never face the situation. we can choose not to get up and be defeated forever. or we can rise and reach out a hand to bless those who hurt us. yep, it's revolutionary. yep, it defies logic. yep, it's counter to everything our natural instincts tell us. but it's what god asks of us. love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your wind. and love your neighbor as yourself. that doesn't mean stay in a position where you can continue to be abused. but it means recognizing that most times, people who hurt you didn't mean to hurt you. and even when they meant to hurt you, they didn't realize the full scope of damage done. they are merely instruments of evil. it kind of sucks when you think about it. some one hurts me and i'm supposed to forgive them and bless them? are you crazy??? that sounds foolish.
kind of, yeah. god chose the the foolish things to confound the wise. i can't pretend to have all the answers but i know i'd rather walk in forgiveness and love than walk around bitter and angry. been there done that, wanted a refund!!!!! so, it's not easy when i think about how hurt i am and how angry that made me. but i'm going to keep it simple and say this -- i like to smile. smiling's my favorite. and when i'm in a position where my smile is gone, i've given the enemy power over me. and that ain't right. he's defeated, not me! and this confusion and strife and contention, that's how he rolls. not me! i'm taking my joy and peace back and i'm walking in my authority to have control over my emotions and my actions. as often as i need to give myself a pep talk i will. why? because peace and joy are the sunshine of my life.
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