Friday, April 22, 2011

Disappointed again

How many times does a person have to disappoint you before you lose faith in them? It's a question I've been asking myself off and on the last few months. Some days I feel we have already crossed that line and reached the point of no return. Other days I know it will be impossible to reach that point if I accept that people will inevitably let you down. That's what we do afterall. Try to do right and fail measurably. We aren't always failures, or at least we shouldn't be. But the sad truth is that we will disappoint. I know that. I should be able to accept disappointment from others and move on. But it sucks so hard!

It's worse when the disappoint comes after someone failed to keep a promise that was based on his or her own suggestion. I didn't ask you to volunteer to do that. You decided on your own. And now I'm trying not to cry or sulk because you let me down. We are all human and make mistakes. But damn it your word should mean something. Lately it hasn't inspires trust. Where do we go from here?

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