Monday, April 25, 2011

maybe it's just me

i'm kind of ticked at my friend right now. friendship allows you to have a falling out and still love each other. i'm thankful for that. but i'm also not at all happy about how things went down. my friend has consistently dismissed my feelings as if they don't matter and i've gotten to the point where i can't ignore it. it upsets me and makes me feel devalued. so how do you have that discussion without it getting out of hand or allowing more hurt to happen? i don't know. i'm trying to think through everything i want to say - angry and otherwise - so i can get my emotions under control during our conversation. i have a goal to not hurt people with the words i say, even when they are guilty of doing just that. i try very hard not to let someone else's actions affect how i behave. it can be hard but i don't want someone else changing who i am!

so i'm trying to formulate my thoughts so when we talk, it's clear that the actions are not appreciated and hurtful. but i want the anger and the hurt to be eased. i'm not naive and know that i'm hurt. but i'm always open to swift healing. some things i really just brush off. some things can't be brushed off. they must be addressed. and if they continue after the conversation, then i'm not sure what to do. a come to jesus meeting is supposed to solve everything! lol. and honestly, i want to focus on the positive. our come to jesus meeting will net results, whatever they may be.

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