Tuesday, June 28, 2011

antsy: restless or impatient

my friend told me the wait is almost over and that's why we all feel so antsy. i like the word antsy. it makes me think of a person dancing around because he has ants in his pants. yep, that's how my brain works. antsy sounds like ants and ants in your pants make you dance. take that dr. seuss!

but the actual definition of antsy is slightly different. okay, it's way different. antsy means restless or impatient. well, fidgety kind of goes with my personal definition but that's not important right now. i'm gonna focus on restless and impatient because more times than not, that describes me. and i wonder if my wait times are extended for somethings because i grow restless. the thing is, in my restlessness and impatience, i don't actually give up. sometimes my attitude changes for the worse, but i still have the expectation of achievement. lately, i've worked overtime to keep my attitude in check. you HAVE to have a good attitude. i mean, a bad attitude can wreck your life. and it definitely doesn't influence god to move in your life.

so, i've been checking my attitude about things and i can say there has been change in some areas. but there are still some major things i'm waiting on, been waiting on and i'm trying hard to fight being restless and impatient. because i want the best and good things come to those who wait. at least that's what she said. (for the record, she also said the early bird gets the worm, so sometimes i don't know what to do!) there is a time to wait and a time to act. i just need to check in to see which is which and behave accordingly. but no matter what, my assault on the antsies will continue!

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