i've picked up a few pounds lately and it's got me all in a tizzy. yet, i've failed to get recommitted to my gym routine. why is that? i'm not pleased that i've gained a few pounds and i'm not at all cool with the idea that it's the start of something worse. in fact, i'm anti packing on the pounds. not acting doesn't make sense.
i should clarify. i have acted. just not on a large enough scale. i noticed that my appetite had picked up for no good reason. i thought about it and discovered i had been over eating on some meals. couple that with skipping my morning workouts and you have a recipe for disaster. i have to get it together.
so, starting this week i'm planning to make it back into the gym. i actually have a warrior dash to prepare for in just a month! if that's not motivation i don't know what is. i've run a few times. as of now, i'm down to just 1.5-2 miles at a time. so not gonna cut it. i used to run a 5k every time i ran. i know it wouldn't take long to get back up to that level i just have to commit to doing it.
i also need to force myself to get up in the morning and go to sleep at night. that way i'll make it to spin on MWF. by just doing that class three times a week, i'd be back in shape. crazy huh? it's that simple! the kicker though is that spin is at 5:30 am! and that is the challenge. i was doing good for a while and then my sleep pattern changed. i've struggled to get back on track. we're going to give it a serious try this week. wait, what am i saying? there is only do or do not. there is no try. i WILL get it together and hit the gym for spin MWF and i WILL run TTH to get ready for the warrior dash.
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