Saturday, June 18, 2011

sore throat

i woke up friday morning with a serious sore throat. took some cold meds and made it through the day for the most part. today, i woke up with the same sore throat only it's super strong and not at all cool. my tonsils look like they're hiding a baby!

so i went to the pharmacy and they don't carry tylenol cold anymore. that's my go to cold med so i'm not sure what to do. but the pharmacist recommended gargling with salt and warm water. i did and it helps temporarily but not long term. in the long run, i can't swallow! i had no intentions of being in all weekend and as of right now, i'm exhausted. gonna take a nap so i can be ready for this bday party tonight.

in my efforts to diagnose myself, i do that a lot, i took a cotton swab to my tonsils to see what i found. as suspected, they are harboring a little pus and blood. that is sign of infection and therefore, it's not just an irritated throat due to nasal drip as the pharmacist said. i have a full on infection. i'll of course be hitting up the doctor first thing monday morning. hoping this is an infection and not a virus. i hate viruses. you can't take anything and nothing makes you feel better. and the bastards take ages to work their way out!

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