Thursday, June 9, 2011

creative juices are flowing

today i completed the script for my latest video project for work. it's a shakespeare piece that tells the story of our product in elizabethian english. i wasn't sure how it would go over, and our toughest critic is yet to view it, but the response was great. and i'm feeling great about it.

i'm a creative person. highly creative. i just don't think like the average person. i love that about me. i love that god made me different that way. and i enjoy putting that creativity to work. i really enjoy helping my company to make money and gain exposure by putting my creativity to work. but it doesn't always go hand and hand. in fact, i've said it many times that i feel my job sucking my creativity on a daily basis. lately things have been better and it's in large part to the departure of my previous boss. he's a great guy - very caring and all that - but his desire to be anywhere but with that company just made for a horrible work environment and no matter what i did i couldn't shake the feeling of dread that greeted me each morning before heading into the office.

an attitude adjustment goes a long way for vanquishing the miseries. and to be clear, they must be vanquished. as i learned on tuesday, turbulence is guaranteed but misery is optional. a person focused on doing things for others will find it hard to be misery. and doing things for others keeps you inspired and in touch with your creativity. it really does all go together. so, cheers to the return of my creativity an hat tip to shakespeare for serving as such great, and clever and witty inspiration!

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