Wednesday, June 29, 2011

so much good things for you

when you want friends you have to show yourself friendly. when you work the land you can enjoy the fruit of it. when you learn to fish you can fish for eternity. when you give, it will be given back to you. there is a law of recipricity that no matter what your faith, it can't be disputed. we reap what we sow.

i've been sowing some major seeds of faith, love, peace and service and i'm believing so much good things for my life and the lives of those i care about right now. i know there are great things in store and that's why i'm detoxing from the stuff that doesn't matter. the small things that get me distracted from doing what i'm supposed to do. the big things that suck my time and energy so i'm not doing the things i'm supposed to do. and the people that rob my time and emotional peace so i'm not doing the things i'm supposed to do. you see a pattern here? anything that keeps me from doing the things i'm supposed to be doing will get the boot.

the bottom line is i want the best life possible and when i line up with what god says i know i can have that. some people don't want you to succeed and some people just want you to get caught in their drama. either way, i don't want them in my life.

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