Wednesday, June 1, 2011

operation new job

i set a goal today to have a new job come july. it's not that i'm miserable at my current job. i used to be. but then my old boss quit and things changed for the better. but i still feel like my job is slowly killing my spirit. actually, it might be swiftly killing my spirit. either way, the environment is not good for me. and i know that if you don't like something in your life you change it.

i prayed for the environment to change or for me to change while i was there and both happened. i changed my attitude and then god changed the environment. now i am looking to change the job. i want a position that more matches my passion and interests. it's been my goal to find a job at microsoft because i believe in supporting local small businesses. lol. but honestly, i live in seattle and i'm a technofile. i should be working at microsoft! i know a lot of people that work there. so far, it hasn't resulted in so much as an interview, but thankfully god is a master networker. he is a master of opening doors that don't seem to open through my own means. he also knows how to connect me to the right people to make things happen. i'm totally trusting and believing that come july, i'll be starting a new position and it will challenge me and push me in all the good ways. i'm capable of doing more and i want to be somewhere that won't say no to innovation or creative thinking that moves beyond the comfort zone. i think bigger than i'm allowed to at work. i want to grow. and i want to be rewarded for being strategic and innovative and creative and a risk taker. so, operation new job. it's starting now!

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