Tuesday, November 9, 2010

popping the question is serious business

check out the whole comic here:

a lot of women think about the moment when their honey dip will ask their hand in marriage. they fantasize and romanticize the moment in their minds and hope that he lives up to all their expectations. it's no wonder guys feel so much pressure about how to ask their lady to walk down the aisle.

the art of proposing has grown to new heights in our rapidly changing digital age. gone are the days of getting down on one knee at the park or slipping a ring in the dessert after a romantic dinner. no you have to get downright creative. and i don't mean asking for the ladies hand in marriage on the jumbotron at a sporting event or concert. i'm talking about programming a video game that asks for her hand in marriage. or crafting an elaborate web comic to pop the question.

i for one never gave it much thought. i'm a planner but believe that i need a non-planner to balance me out. i don't want the SITC charlotte proposal where she ends up popping the question herself. but it doesn't have to be a big production. i hope my honey takes clues from my personality and does something that fits who we are to each other. i'm more than a little geeky so comics and video games could be a part of it. so could cosplay. but really, any geeky reference will do. i've acknowledge that my journey to find love ends with me finding my 42. only a geek will understand the significance of that number. and it's my hope that my boo will understand the significance of personality when choosing how he asks me to spend the rest of my life loving him as his wife.

i don't think that's too much to ask for. do you?

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